How to order at TPC
How to order "In-Store" using TPC Coupon Codes, Gift Certificates, & Attractions Guide
*Coupons and Gift Certificates cannot be used at the Vending Machine at UNCW
TPC Gift Certificates Redemption - If you have an e-Gift Certificate from The Peppered Cupcake, please dial 910-399-1088 ext 3 and leave your 16 digit code via voicemail. If the certificate has a handwritten signature, drop the certificate in the white cash box attached to the front of the counter and choose your cupcakes.
TPC Coupon Codes - Scan the $5 QR Payment Link, enter your quantity and during checkout, enter your 6 digit code under Codes & Coupons. The discount will be applied to your total.
Attractions Coupons - You may purchase 1 and receive a FREE cupcake with this coupon. Please drop your coupon in the white CASH box attached to the front of the counter.